LoveWisdomHub Imprint

Jasmine Networks UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Zschochersche Allee 1, 04207 Leipzig, DE - Germany

Phone: +49 341 / 392 858 43
Email: support [at]

Legal form: UG (Unternehmergesellschaft)
Registration number: HRB 35879
Registry court: Handelsregister Leipzig
VAT ID: DE308883377

Managing Director:

Maximilian Batz

Responsible for journalistic and editorial content:

Maximilian Batz

Data Protection Officer:

Maximilian Batz

Privacy Policy

Contact us in case of questions

Image Credits

LoveWisdomHub thanks the following authors for their work, which we have used in our website and other materials:

Website and tools

LoveWisdomHub is built using the following tools and theme - we are very grateful to build using these tools:

SF v2.0.0